Situations change but we still serve the same God yesterday, today and forever.
Jeremiah 29:11-13
God is thinking about you
- how he loves you
- his plans for you
Before you can change your path you have to change your mind. To change your mind you have to change your heart.
You don’t have to wait until you have everything right to call on God.
Luke 8:40-44
It is time for us to lay it all to the side and fall at his feet.
Start meeting God on a regular basis and he will meet you there.
The woman felt she had to sneak to touch Jesus because she was afraid that Jarius would tell Jesus who she was.
People will label you; if you are not careful, you will live out that label.
Don’t confuse your spiritual ear with your physical ear.
God has a reputation for taking the small things and using them to do the big stuff.
Luke 19:10
Be still and see the salvation of the Lord.
While you are seeking for him, God is seeking for you.